Gary Dean
15 min readApr 24, 2021


So you just seen a object fly across the sky. It moved in a way that, well was not natural. Did you think spacecraft? Little green men? Chances are neither but you are mystified by what you seen. You can not help wondering, did you see a UFO? Well YES, you did. See people refuse to believe that the very acronym UFO is just what it says it is.

So lets break it down, you have seen this OBJECT FLYING through the air. You don’t know what it is so that makes it UNIDENTIFIED. Lets just say that some one next door was flying a drone from their backyard. That is what you seen. You just don’t know it was a drone. Until you yourself are made aware of what it is, its still a UFO by definition.

Mysteries surrounding things people see and their stories are the fascinating. Especially when it comes to space. Why am I writing about this? Well my little stories I tell here deal with exploration. Space is the most vast place to explore. No I am not a astronaut. Math is not my strong suit. Its actually my crippling weakness. So I still explore space. You can too. Right from your backyard or rooftop or open field and in some cases your bedroom window. Keep reading to learn more…

So I am not a real explorer. Nope not even close. I work for a living and that takes up all my crucial time to explore. Dream of mine is to get lost, and I mean really fucking lost in a vast forest and just explore every inch of it till I find my way out. Another dream is to join a deep-sea exploration crew for months out at sea. Do not care if I am cleaning toilets or fetching their water. I would love to be there.

So you are asking me why do you call yourself an explorer? Well answer is, we all are. Or we can be. Don’t take much. Just open your eyes, stop being lazy and walk outside. Most important, have an imagination. I have always noted that the best places to explore are right in your own yard.

Now you are asking me, Why are you talking about space and UFO’s? You also stated you are not an astronaut. Good, thanks for reading my story! Let me clear up the confusion before the real story begins. Always, I have been fascinated by space. I believe that it is the unknown that draws me into it. Since we have not figured all of it out, the mysteries are there. Along with space always comes the question of life on other planets.

Do you believe in life on other planets? Tough question since there is no definitive answer, any answer is correct. My answer is always yes. That don’t mean always intelligent life. Micro organisms, single cell ameba, plants yes I truly believe they are out there. Water, could be or might have been. Intelligent advanced life? That's the debatable one and I know anyone reading this has seen something themselves at some point that they can not explain.

My story. Period. Its my story. Do I believe in intelligent advanced life, or better yet simplified, UFO’s. Yes. I have seen them, and that's them plural. Truthfully I have witnessed and still to this day witness small things I can not explain in the sky.

So that's the exploration side. You can explore space. You just have to LOOK UP. Could not be any simpler than that. I spend a lot of time staring into space and let me clarify. DAY OR NIGHT. Just like ghosts (another story for another day for all my paranormal friends) UFO’s don't need to come out only when its dark. Neither do ghosts.

There has been countless documentaries that I have watched through the years on UFO’s. Read countless books on them and listened to many of the authors theories. High School for me was the time I started to gain a interest or a curiosity about flying space craft. During that time I was more aware of what was going on in the sky. I learned to identify terrestrial events and crafts. While I was not then, nor am I now an expert, I feel I gained a good bit of information to make me pretty good at the subject matter.

Like anything else the more you learn the more things happen. While I have seen many things that I could not explain. I never documented anything. Memories fade and the details are gone and this happens more so when the event is small. Only one memory I keep alive because of the magnitude of it and the affect it had on me. While this occurred way back in 1988, few things to remember. No cell phones. I had no camera no internet just good old fashioned brain. Like anything else details may have been lost but what I remember stays with me.

Question mark here, early fall or late spring don’t recall. It was a school night so was not summertime. It was me and two close friends. One had a girlfriend and we used to all hang at her place. It had a swimming pool. enough said. We stayed there till early nightfall. House was located in Fishkill New York. It was not far from the Taconic Parkway. Nice to know because if anyone does research on UFO’s would know that the most infamous is the Hudson Valley UFO’s.

When we left our friends home that night we were saying our goodnights on the front doorway. Their dog, was a mixed border collie or something like that, I don’t know I am not a dog expert but the dog ran out of the house past us. It was frantically barking and it ran toward the back of the house. The way the doggo acted was weird. We freaked a little thinking someone may have been casing the house and that was entirely possible because the house was surrounded by lots of wooded area. Then we figured it may have chased another animal.

So off we ran, me and my two friends to chase the dog. We found the dog on the back porch. The dog was frantically barking. At the sky. The dogs tail was wagging. Weird in everyway shape and form. Especially when we looked up to see what it was barking at.

Here is where details that I burned into my memory come full strength. First is lights. A ring of lights. Colors that were recognizable but still had something off about them. Reds, greens soft white some yellow. They were all bright, very bright and very damn large. Large as in I would take a educated guess as to 12' foot circumference. For the size and the brightness what is so weird and no one points this out who see these things, there is NO light output. So you see what is light but there is nothing lit up. If you turn on a spot light, what ever the spotlight is pointing at would be lit up. By that theory the entire town should have been bathed in a lightshow with the intensity of the sun.

Silence. Dead Silence. While we did not know what we were seeing, we knew what we were hearing. The dog barking, our voices the normal surrounding sounds of the neighborhood and the wind. But that thing, Nothing at all. It was peaceful and eerie.

This is kind of what we seen its the closest picture off the internet that resembles what we first seen:

Size, so hard to put a measurement up to it. No I am not going to say the size of a football field. I hate that. Absolutely hate when anyone says it was the size of a football field. First off this was maybe only six miles up from the earth when we first noticed it. Closest it got was maybe just about a mile away. Know how many football fields can fit in one mile? Almost 18 17.2 to be exact. So fuck the football field measurement. This was the size of a city a small one but a city non the less.

The object was also floating. Have to use the word floating because in all seriousness there was no flight. No way of it to remain in the air motionless the way it was without some sort of propulsion. There was no air movement from it, no down force like a helicopter, no sort of evidence of a mechanical way to keep this thing in the air.

Movement was slow but seemed to defy logic, not just the fact that there was no propulsion but it moved like it was defying time. Best way to describe it, at one point it was about 6 miles from us the next moment it was about 1 or 2 miles away. That was the closest it got. Details of the craft could be seen however the lights around it seemed to have washed out the structures, although they could be seen still. Again the light had no real output, no lumens, we should have been bathed in light but it was still just early evening and the sun just gone down.

The picture above is another random internet photo. It is the closest to describing what I had seen. Not as many windows and between each window there were vertical structures of some sort. Windows were dark. Sort of illegal tint dark. As close as it was you could see everything but it was so mind bending that you could not figure out what everything was.

This thing just floated there. Stationary and silent. Everything around us was just in its existence. The craft seemed to dominate everything but in a very peaceful way. I can not describe what I was feeling. Listen if you yourself built something odd but that could fly and you put it to flight, I would comment on its looks not how I felt. That was it, how could something make me, my friends and the dog all feel such a indescribable feeling?

Time was at a loss while we stared at this thing. Time loss is just something else that people speak of while having a encounter but I can not prove that nor do I believe there was time loss, however it is still plausible. I just am not able to recall anything that would lend evidence to time loss.

Lets just say at some point this craft decided to move. That it did, slowly almost beckoning us to follow it. Of course that's what we did. The craft moved into the direction of the Taconic state parkway, that was our route home anyway. Breaking from our mesmerized state, we ran to the car and headed out to the parkway at more than legal speeds.

One of us was always keeping an eye on the UFO and while it traveled, it lost its shape. I can not say that it morphed but it certainly was not the distinctive oval shape that it was. This may be because its distance was changing. After about a mile, from what I remember was the really weird lights. Two lights separated from the main ship/craft/UFO and well for lack of a better description, danced. the moves were in no way possible to achieve even with modern day technology, certainly not with 1980’s tech.

Another weird thing is while the two lights danced, we could no longer see the main craft. Now since minor details escape my aging brain, I do not recall the weather. It was nice out. That's about all I can say. Clouds? Wind direction speed? Actual temperature? Month? Day of week? All of this is lost. Did the craft get lost in clouds? Upper atmospheric conditions? Lots of questions so I do not want to say or use the word invisible because I can not logically say that. But we did for sure, not see it.

Along the Taconic there was a rest area or gas station. We stopped there and guess what?, so were other people. Looking at this thing. So no we are not crazy, and no there were no drugs in my group or by me, shit I never even smoked weed so I was of sound mind as were my friends. However the relief of knowing others were seeing this just confirmed the actual reality.

The lights were getting a little closer and, well out of somewhere the main craft appeared. I say closer but the lights were dancing more than or equal to 10 miles. So the main craft when it returned/reappeared looked more like the initial string of lights we first seen. The two bright white lights seemed to have not so much returned to the ship, but just became a part of it.

Now with the presence of like seven other people plus us, the ship came down again close, and again was like ten miles away then it just was like two miles. It stopped and stayed there. I don’t know why but it was like, saying goodbye? The ship then, somehow gone away. Like I mean it was two miles away and then we watched it move straight up. Less then a second it was gone. Just gone.

So Next day in the local newspapers was the spin story. Well I am glad that there was something written about it because we were not the only people witnessing this. Papers stated they recieved numerous calls about a UFO flying over the Hudson Valley. So many people seen this. The authorities passed this entire event off as kids in ultralights flying them in formation with flashlights. Ok so my intelligence was insulted. This is why I never believe the news this was the biggest piece of horseshit to explain this. But it is what it is. What did I see? Who knows. I am a skeptic I like to pick apart everything however was this terrestrial? No. Never would I say that this was. Was it the infamous Hudson Valley UFO? Can’t say. Most people claim that one to be trianglular shaped. May have been depending on the direction we were looking at it but it appeared oval to me. So whatever it was it lasted in my memories this long.

This is a Ultra lite plane. This is what the authorities claim we seen flying in formation. Hate to say it but These things can’t hover in place.

Well there it is. The UFO story. I can only add that I don’t know what it was for certain. Believing my story is only up to you. See stories are great I will listen to everyone's story and I will always believe what you are saying because its just that, a story. Pick it apart. Please don’t ask questions to help prove authenticity. Again It was long ago that I only recall the actual craft and what it did. The other details just remained with me but all the real questions about weather actual time frame date and such is long gone. Zero evidence. Nothing at all. Its just what I seen and yes changed my thinking on space and other life forms.

I want to hear your stories. Share them. comment, let me know, interact. Its a great way to maybe come up with some theories. Maybe you have pictures, Video even please share.

Now for you, in case you want to explore the sky like I do, it is not hard. Looking up is the the only way. Day or night, disclaimer, don’t look directly at the sun. Really don’t but The sun holds it own mysteries and if you wish to look at it, use a telescope but look for sun filters, and good ones. Really good and I mean expensive good ones. The sun actually has many stories surrounding UFO’s if your interest is there.

Telescopes. I don’t recommend them. I owned a few. Not expensive ones but decent ones. Trouble with telescopes is that they really are for looking at a fixed point. There is something called field of view. When searching the sky the best thing is your own two eyes. When you do see something then go for Binoculars.

Binoculars have a greater field of view. So when you look through the single eyepiece of a telescope the area you are looking at is small. While using binoculars, the field of view is much larger. Now Binoculars come in many forms and at many price ranges. I own two sets one is a 10x50. First number is the number of times the objects are magnified. So the 10 represents that everything appears 10 times larger than its actual size. The larger the number the larger the magnification.

Size does NOT matter. Guess there is hope for me. Anyway, Ten to 16 is just about perfect. When you go larger the images can become blurred and the field of view shrinks. Telescopes are looking at objects way out in the galaxy but they are designed different and field of view is not as important with a telescope.

Second number is the size of the lens, the ones closest to the object not the ones you place against your eyes. This is the important one. This number also lets you know how much light is allowed through. See at night using binoculars the dark is actually your enemy not enough light gets through so larger lens will give more light allowing the objects you are looking at to stand out more. Bigger number more light.

The second set I own are astronomy binoculars. These are 15x70. So the objects are 15 times larger appearing and the lens are 70mm in diameter allowing much more light. So I use both. Trouble with or the con of using the larger binoculars, is the fact that they are Heavy. Not heavy like a weight but they do weigh much more and when you are holding them for long period of time they become awkward to use.

Left side: Size comparison of the astronomy binoculars compared to the terrestrial viewers. Photo on the right shows the difference in lens. 50mm on bottom with the larger night sky 70mm on top.

Should you be interested in watching the sky most important tool are your own eyes. Daytime is just as good as night to see things. Been reading a lot of reports of UFO’s hiding inside of clouds lately. Whether or not you believe in UFO’s or not but just have a curiosity then keep looking. Keep a pair of binoculars on hand. Prices vary but keep in mind if you spend good money make sure that the money is going towards the optics. Do not skimp there. The housing is where some companies charge you for but put in shitty optics and they are totally useless so do your research.

If you are going to get into this download two apps for your phone. One is any of the sky maps. Just type sky map into your phone. I don’t know if you have android or Apple so whatever. Download a few of them and try them all out till you find one you like. These sky maps actually show you what you are looking at far as planets and stars and galaxies. Hold your phone up to the sky and you get a overlay of everything and the descriptions and names. This is useful for reference as to where in the sky you seen something and it will let you know if that bright light is a star or a planet. Some even show you satellites. That is important because I guarantee when you see a satellite you will think UFO, well to you it will be that is until you learn it was a satellite.

Another very handy app or what I use is a website, are plane tracking apps. These will give you a visible reference of what planes are flying above you with details as far as route and even trails to see where they been. I use ADS-B exchange. Its a actual website, has no app but what I like about this one is that it shows military aircraft as well. Some apps have that feature, some charge you for it. This is free. This will assist you in determining if what you see flying above you is actually a plane. Now some military planes don’t always turn on their squawk so remember that.

So there it is. My story. If you are following me please comment with your story if you have one. If you feel left out because you don’t have a story, get out there! Look and see things ask questions go learn history get fresh air. Look up in the sky question what you see, research it. Now is not the time to be lazy when you are alive. Keep reading my little stories I find that I enjoy writing more and more and it thrills me to know someone I know is reading. Mean time Lots of love and as always keep the adventures alive!



Gary Dean

Explorer and wander. Life will only lead to one final destination so make yours worth while. I am a explorer of all things local. Everything amazes me.